Is Your Money Serving You... Or Holding You Back?

June 05, 2024 00:30:53
Is Your Money Serving You... Or Holding You Back?
Create Wealth Through Franchising
Is Your Money Serving You... Or Holding You Back?

Jun 05 2024 | 00:30:53


Hosted By

Kim Daly

Show Notes

The wealthiest people all seem to have something in common: They make decisions based on their DESIRES, not their FEARS. In today's episode, I interview Emily Williams, a serial entrepreneur, author, speaker, and mindset and success coach. Emily shares how setting financial goals and adjusting your mindset around wealth can result in your money SERVING you instead of holding you back!

Learn more about Emily and her services at

Interested in exploring franchise investment opportunities? My franchise consulting services are totally free to you! Email me right now at [email protected] to start the conversation.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: Welcome to create wealth through franchising podcast and Kim Daily TV. I am your host, Kim Daley. I want to educate, motivate and inspire your business ownership journey by interviewing CEO's leaders, sales coaches, and exceptional franchisees to learn their valuable insights and strategies that we can apply to our own business ownership dreams. Now onto the show. Welcome back to create wealth through franchising podcast and Kim Daily TV. Today in studio is a woman who is going to be my new best friend. Her credentials are entrepreneur, author, speaker, success and mindset coach, champion of all things big dreams. I mean, does this woman sound like she needs to be Kim Daley's best friend? Yes, she does. Emily Williams, welcome to the studio of Kim Daley TV. [00:01:04] Speaker B: Thank you so much. I'm so happy to be here. [00:01:07] Speaker A: Oh, this is gonna be. I don't know, this is gonna be really fun for me. I hope my listeners think this is fun, but I know I'm excited to hear what you have to say. So I'm gonna have you introduce yourself, Emily, because I know your story, but my followers don't know your story. But today, for those listening, we are going to be talking about money blocks. So, Emily is a master at helping people understand what's blocking them from making the money that they deserve, that they dream of making. And I know you may be thinking, what does that even mean? How does this apply to me? Well, it does apply to you because we're coming from the perspective of life is happening from us, not to us, right? So it's becoming aware that we're not victims of our franchisor, our location of all these things, the economy, all these things outside of us that we sometimes fall prey believing, because it's so much easier to believe that our lack of whatever is caused by something outside of us than by looking inside. So with that set up, Emily Williams, tell my followers your story, and then we're going to dive in and talk about the money story. [00:02:21] Speaker B: So, for those of you listening who really resonate with what Kim said, I totally get it, because I didn't realize any of this stuff, stuff either. And in fact, I had to learn all of this at the beginning of starting my business. And becoming an entrepreneur was not actually the path that I thought I was going to go down. And so it was a huge learning curve. So back in 2008, when I graduated from college, I was all set to go to grad school at Northwestern to get a degree in counseling psychology. And I was literally driving there from Ohio, and I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was basically on the wrong path. And so I started crying. And my mom, who was driving the car at the time, she turned to me and was like, what is wrong? What's going on? You know, we had spent the last year visiting twelve different schools around the US. I'd applied to all of them, but I just couldn't shake that feeling that I wasn't on the right path. And so we literally turned the car around and I entered into a massive quarter life crisis where I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, had to move back in with my parents, ended up working at Starbucks, and was just completely depressed because I still had this feeling that I was meant for something big, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. And I didn't know how to change my mindset to see all the positive things around me when I was feeling so down in the dumps and so lost. So during that time, I really started to just tune in to what it was that I did know. Even though most days were filled with so, you know, so much doom and gloom. And the one thing that I did know, which is super random, it's a whole other story in itself. But I knew I wanted to live in London, England. And so, randomly, in 2010, packed my bags, moved to the UK, ended up starting a grad school program there. Again, another story, but really just kicked off this new chapter of my life in the UK, and from there started to follow some of the breadcrumbs that eventually led me to coaching and starting an online business. And that's really the short version. The one thing I do want to mention alongside of that is for so many years, I didn't love my life and I didn't know how to love my life. And so when I started to do personal development work, which is what we'll talk about here today, alongside of the money work, I realized that I could help other women fall in love with themselves and their lives. And so my company, I heart my life, was really formed out of my own journey with personal development, my own ups and downs, and my quarter life crisis, and then finally coming around to getting clarity and understanding what my something big actually was that I was meant to do. So I started that business in 2014 and grew it to seven figures in 18 months. And money mindset was a huge part of that sort of massive success so quickly. So I know we're going to have a lot to cover today. Ah, that was so good. [00:05:06] Speaker A: So you took your company from zero to seven figures in 18 months, which is no small feat, especially considering you weren't part of a franchise. Like my followers are all buying into proven systems and processes where all of that groundwork has been laid for them. So they just have to execute. You are in the creation and execution mode. So kudos to you, girl. So that's really the story, and that's what makes you the expert. So let's. Let's dive into the money block. So what is a money story? Let's start there. [00:05:39] Speaker B: So we all have the ways, the ways that we're thinking about money, that we were taught to think about money from our parents or from society growing up. And actually, our money story and our opinion with money, about money is solidified around seven or eight years old. And then, of course, when we have experiences in adulthood, we bring that into the equation as well. So, for example, maybe your parents taught you that it was risky to have your own business or that, you know, anyone who had a lot of money or who was wealthy must have swindled someone or done something unethical. Or maybe you just have this fear that you're going to lose it all and go bankrupt, which was definitely one of my fears because I saw my dad and my grandpa go through that, and they were both, you know, entrepreneurs that I saw in my life. And so maybe there's different fears that you have in association with money that are holding you back and stopping you from going all in or investing to the degree that, you know you should in order to get big results. So we all have these money beliefs, just like you have beliefs about anything else. Maybe you have beliefs about relationships or marriage or whatever it may be. And then we bring that into our businesses, and it either helps us or it hurts us as we're looking to grow in scale. [00:06:50] Speaker A: So that was so powerful, because as the consultant coach for 22 years, I don't know that I've really ever met a candidate who came to me asking to explore franchising with my help, who didn't have some fear about the level of investment going in and the irrational fear of losing it all or having to declare bankruptcy. And in fact, I just made a video yesterday about that very subject. So it's kind of funny that we're here today talking about this. So what. How do you. What is your advice like? Everybody feels those fears of business is risky. I'm going to invest my hard earned dollars into this business. And what if it doesn't work? What do you mean? [00:07:37] Speaker B: Emily? [00:07:38] Speaker A: Of course, that's a very real and genuine concern. I should have, of course. [00:07:44] Speaker B: And one of the things that I always tell people is, follow that fear. So, for example, if you already have a business, or even if you're brand new and looking to get into business, ask yourself if that fear actually happened. If you tried, but it didn't work out, if you lost a bunch of money, if your entire family thought you were crazy, follow that fear and ask yourself, okay, so if that did happen, what would I do? And for most people, no one's gonna die, right? No one's gonna go to jail or whatever that worst case scenario is that you have in your mind, most likely, that won't happen, and yet we're allowing that stuff to hold us back. So, for example, if my fear was that I went bankrupt, well, most likely I would be able to move in with my parents, which might suck for a while, but at least I would have a roof over my head. I'm not gonna be homeless. Most likely, I would take the information that I have, and I would restart. Most likely because I've taken the time to build up a network over the last ten years, and I'm working with people much like your clients work with you. I would have the support from people who are smarter than me, who would build me back up, help me do what I did previously. [00:08:55] Speaker A: Faster. [00:08:55] Speaker B: Help me not make the same mistakes. So if we go through that whole scenario, we realize that actually following that fear, fear shows us that even if the worst case scenario happened, we would be okay. And we are resilient, especially if we have certain things that we put in place along the journey. And so I'd really ask you, think about how you're hurting yourself and holding yourself back and causing your family to not have a better life by giving into those fears. And what would happen if you gave into the desires instead? Because I really believe that your desires and everything that you want, and even coming across this business idea, or, you know, you, kim, I believe that that has happened for a reason. And so many people come to me, and they're like, I don't have the life that I want. I don't have the money I want. I don't have all these things. And then we realized, okay, well, you've been following your fear all these years and going in that direction and making decisions based on fear instead of making decisions based on your desire. And so there's multiple things there, obviously, that people can take from this, but I want you to really tune into what it would look like if you followed your desires instead. [00:10:05] Speaker A: Hey, daily coach fans. If you're loving this episode. Please do me a quick favor and leave me a five star rating and a short review. Your feedback fuels my growth and rankings and shows others that this podcast is valuable. Now back to the show. I mean, I spend a lot of time with my candidates talking about the fear and how it's normal, especially at different parts of the exploratory process, which, for your knowledge, Emily, takes me about six to eight weeks to move a candidate through the process. But I also think that after you've said yes to the business, that's a whole new set of fears, right? So there's, you know, our two listeners are those people who are on the sideline thinking, should I dive in and start a business? And then, of course, the people that I've already placed into business, and even people that I haven't, who follow me here on my podcast, who bless me, you know, who are just looking for the tips and tricks and strategies that help them take their business to the next level. And mindset for me is where it's all at. For those of you who are new to this podcast today, you might not have heard my story, very similar to Emily's, and that I spent eight years kind of spinning around the average pack of my franchise, and then one year later in 2011, making history in the franchise consulting industry, doing over $350,000, 50% more revenue in my 9th year of business than I did in my 8th year or any year previous to that. And then since that time, been riding that wave, making my own history again and again, and now teaching other people how to have that type of a business. And so this is why I love this girl. Like, we've gone through a very similar experience. And so my story again goes back to my franchise process didn't change. Right. My franchise process has been the same for 22 years. We were still in a recession from 2010 to 2011. So what changed? What changed was my mindset. I made a decision. I looked at my business differently. I put my head down, and I executed on faith. And that changed everything, most especially my confidence, my joy, my feeling of being in control of my business, which are all the things that if we're talking about fear after the. Yes, I think that's where the fear comes from. Just a feeling of being out of control. But through all of these business coaching interviews that I'm having for you, it's with the intent to help you understand, little by little by little, that the control is from inside, not outside of you. And this money conversation is one part of it. And I think it's a very, very big part of it because fear of losing money, fear of not making enough money, fear in money, they go hand in hand for every single human, right for all of us. Right? So I love that. And the video that I made yesterday, Emily, was around. Could you suspend your disbelief? I called it disbelief, right. That this doesn't work in my area, or I'm not qualified to own a franchise or I can't afford it. Could you suspend that for just a minute and give me six to eight weeks to help you find the answers to the questions and concerns and anxieties that plague you just to see what if what you're thinking actually isn't true once you get inside a franchise system. So that was just so amazing. Okay, so now we've identified that this fear around money is real for everybody. So now what do we do? What do we do about it? [00:13:55] Speaker B: Well, I love what you said about, you know, you made that decision. So the word decide actually means to cut off. So you're cutting off any other option. Right. Any other thing, any other path. And so when you go all in on something, it really shifts your energy. So I think, you know, asking people to really consider, have I gone all in on this? And maybe it's just for the six to eight week period, and we don't need to look past that, just go all in. Because I think what happens is oftentimes when it feels like things aren't working or things get scary or we start to doubt ourselves or other people's doubts come into play, we kind of take the pot on and off the stove. And I had a mentor who always talked about that. He's like, you're not going to boil water by taking it on and off the stove. And it's the same thing with your business, especially when it comes to money. So are you taking two steps forward and one step back, or one day are you all in and the next day you're wavering? Or have you decided to move forward energetically? Right? And then all of a sudden, your spouse comes in and is like, I don't think this is gonna work, blah, blah, blah. And then all of a sudden, you're back to the starting point. And so really ask yourself, have you gone all in energetically? And if not, what would that actually look like? Would it be investing in someone like you, Kim, to help you move forward and get the results that you are craving? Would it be to show up every single day at six in the morning and start your day by taking care of your body or taking whatever it is, right? Like, we all know what it looks like to go all in. And if you don't, that's why you have Kim. But really ask yourself, like, are you dabbling or are you really showing up? Because money loves specifics, and money loves, you know, that, like that, that energy that's in the direction of progression. And so ask yourself, have you gone all in? And if not, what would it look like for you to go all in and really bet on yourself? Okay. And so there needs to be that level of confidence. And if when you're moving forward, you start to uncover that there are lots of money blocks that you know, you're struggling with, then you can start to identify those even deeper and look at where they came from. And for most people, our money stories come from family. They aren't even our money stories, and yet we adopt them and bring them into our business. And so you want to ask yourself, is thinking like this actually going to get me the results the that I want? And if the answer is no, then you get to look at that and start to shift it and adopt a new way of thinking. And one of the easiest ways to do this that I find is to make sure that you're surrounded by people who think in the way that you want to be thinking. So really normalize this new way of thinking. So I'm sure someone like you, Kim, listening to the podcast or working with you directly is going to support people and having a more abundant mindset and seeing what's possible. And so when I first started my business, I got myself into programs and worked with coaches who were, you know, turning their annual salary into their monthly salary. They were traveling the world. They were able to leave their nine to five jobs. They were able to, you know, retire their spouse so that they could do what they wanted to do. They were able to have time, freedom. And so I started to normalize that in my life and make that my new normal as well, basically through osmosis and just looking at what other people have done and being able to adopt that belief in, you know, that is possible for myself because sometimes we can see other people doing it and it feels like, oh, well, they can do it, but we can't. But those are just limiting beliefs, and that's absolutely not true. So starting to see that that's possible, that's normal. Create a new normal for yourself, and then your mind will start to see that as normal, and you'll begin to show up to a greater degree the action that you're going to take is going to be that all in action. You're going to show up as somebody who believes that that next level is available for them and then everything will start to shift. [00:17:41] Speaker A: That's really good. And when you're in franchising, of course, the franchise provides this mastermind group, right? So you have inherently have this group of people that you can learn from if you're the new kid on the block, right? And you have people in the franchise who are making the kind of money that you aspire to make, they're already there free of charge, you know, and willing to help, and they understand the challenges in your business. So everything you just said, Emily, is so apropos for the way the franchise model works. And I know in my own life it's so true. As I've risen higher and higher and made history and rode that for a while, I had to seek a bigger pond, if you will. I had to move beyond my franchise to people who thought bigger than I did at the time so that I could continue to grow. And that's a continual progression. I'm always sort of, you grow with certain people, you get so far, and then it's like you've got to find. I say, I'm looking for eagles in whatever area I'm trying to grow in. I want to find people who are soaring high above other people so that I can think like they think. Because if, just like you said, it's osmosis. If I can get around them and that becomes the normal, then that can become my new normal. And it's so true to bust through all of those limiting beliefs that if you're out there and you think, well, I've never owned a business before, so why do I think I can be successful? Or I don't have an MBA, Kim, I don't know that I'd be successful as a business owner or whatever those limiting beliefs are, they're so untrue. If a franchisor needed you to have an MBA or needed you to have prior business experience or a special license or a special skill, they would tell us that. And so we have to trust that if they're not saying that, we don't have to believe something that no one here is trying to, like, pull the rug out from underneath you or set you up to fail. So that was so there's so much trust that just has to be implied while we suspend the disbelief and say, what if this could actually work out? Now I want to go back to something you were talking about, because I think when people come from the w two nine to five world and they go into business ownership, they transfer what they were worth. As a w two employee, I made 150 grand. So when they're looking to build their financial model in their business, they're looking for 150 grand. So speak to that and how that could be a positive or a negative. [00:20:18] Speaker B: So, I mean, it's great that you have financial goals. And I always say, start with what feels aligned for you in this moment and what you believe is possible. [00:20:26] Speaker A: Okay? [00:20:27] Speaker B: Because I don't want someone, you know, setting out to build 500,000 or whatever it is, a million and feeling like, oh, actually, I can't do it because that's an energetic mismatch. So start with what you're comfortable with, and then I want you to look at, okay, let's just play with this for a second. What if I doubled that? What if I was looking to grow to 300,000 or, you know, even, let's go even further and say a million. What comes up for you when you think about that? Because those things, those fears or doubts or insecurities, those are your limiting beliefs, and those are the things that are going to hold you back. And the most important thing that you can recognize as an entrepreneur is that your mind is always going to try and get you to stop. I call it your stopping strategy. So do you go into overwhelm? Do you go into, like, what if I go into bankruptcy? Do I go into, what if I can't feed my family? Like, what are the belief systems or the feelings that come up for you that get you to stop? And the sooner you can recognize that your mind is not telling you the truth. Your mind is literally just trying to get you to stop. And it's going through all of that programming day after day after day on repeat. That's not actually true. The sooner you can recognize that, the sooner you can be like, okay, I'm going to be the observer of my mind, but I'm not going to believe that it's true. And instead, I'm going to look at what I want, which is actually five hundred k a year or a million a year, or to grow this into, I don't know, a billion dollar brand, whatever it is, I'm going to look at what I actually want and believe that that's true, not what my mind is saying to me. And I'm going to start to reprogram all the stuff that's holding me back. I'm going to look at my mind like a playlist and recreate the playlist. And I'm going to go in the direction of my dreams instead of staying stuck in this loop that is essentially lying to me and keeping me small. [00:22:14] Speaker A: Hey, daily Coach fans, if you're ready to begin your own journey to find the perfect franchise, please email me right now at enquireimdaily tv. My services are totally free for you. That's inquiremdaily TV. Now back to the show. What are one or two practical tools for reprogramming that playlist? [00:22:43] Speaker B: Yeah. So when I was first starting to do this work, there was a period of time where I had 54 no's in a row. So I had 54 people say no to working with me. [00:22:52] Speaker A: I've watched that episode on your podcast. It is, yeah, that was the one with the grandma. Grandma. Something about your grandma. [00:22:59] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I had. Yeah. And that's a whole other conversation. I had to learn how to actually sell. But when I was reprogramming my mind, one of the things that I love to do was just listen to money affirmations on repeat. And so I would lay in the shower and listen to these affirmations for, like, 20 minutes at a time. I would also take a look at my desires, and I got really clear, especially when it came to money, how much I want it to come in. And so I'd list out everything that I wanted, whether it's simple things like to be able to go to hot yoga or to be able to take a taxi. Like, I started really small and obviously grew that, but I would look at the things that I wanted and then put a monetary amount next to it. And so every single day, I would focus on that. And that would be kind of like the baseline of what I want it to come in. And so that's why I say for everyone, if the goal is 150k, okay, well, what is the purpose of that? Like, what is the purpose of the money? What do you want to be able to purchase? What is the life that you are craving? And so I would look at that list every single day and I would evaluate, like, what is coming up for me. How does this make me feel? And I would do my best to shift into positive energy, because the thing is, is we're all looking at our business and things that we want, and we have anxiety, we have fear, we have doubt. And then, like, I don't know how spiritual your people are, but when we're talking about the law of attraction, then we attract more of that into our life. And so you want to get yourself into this visioning process where it feels good to think about what it is that you're creating. And so I would do my money affirmations. I would look at my desire list, and I would really transform my emotions and shift into a positive space, positive energy, so I could start to feel that about what I was creating. [00:24:38] Speaker A: It's really good. Almost every top performer that I've ever talked to, personally or listened to does what Emily is suggesting, that you start with small things to kind of build your belief. It's like when people try to go win the. Like the lottery that just happened, the billion dollar lottery, one person actually manifested that. I think that's the freaking coolest thing ever. Like, I've been thinking about that person since Tuesday when it happened here in Oregon, where one person just took home a check for $600 million. Like, that's a lot of openness to receiving that Kim Daley would love to be open to. And a lot of people joke about it, but, like, I'm, like, sincere. Like, how does one open herself to receive that much? And. But. And that's really all it is. Money is just energy, and it's just being willing to. It has to flow out of us and back into us, right? And so. But sometimes we block the flow back into us, as Emily was saying, based on our programming that doesn't even serve us. And that's the craziest part about this whole conversation. The only reason we have to have this conversation is because our minds are so powerful, and most of us are using our power to resist what we want instead of to open our power to receive what we want. And I spend every single day of my life just like she does a little bit of time, sometimes more than others. But whether it's at the gym, listening to a book, personal development book, or podcast, out on my morning walks, sometimes it's just sitting with my puppies and having tea and listening to an audible book. But every single successful person I've ever met has done bigger, bigger, bigger things. But they always start small. And I think it's to increase the faith that you can be open to receiving that whatever it is. Enough money to join the yoga studio. Enough money to. Or, like I've heard a lot of people say, the magic cup of coffee, right? Like, I'm going to think about just receiving a cup of coffee, and then somewhere in your day, somebody magically just brings you a cup of coffee, right? Like, and you think, that can't happen, but it does happen, right? With the power of our mind and open intention and just belief and not doubt. So I love that the pot of water, putting it on the stove and taking it off. Abraham Hicks talks about putting your boat in the stream with the current of life, but then you're turning your boat against the current of life, which is your thoughts working against you. So always being aware of, are your thoughts moving you in the direction where you want to go, or are your thoughts putting your boat up against the stream so that you're hindering the flow of life through you? Yeah, this is amazing. I think this episode could go on forever. Now, Emily, I want to offer you the opportunity for any listener out there who resonates with what this woman is talking about. And you want to coach like this. Share with my followers a little bit about the courses, what you do to help people, and how people could reach out to you if they wanted to join you in a coaching practice. [00:27:56] Speaker B: Yeah, I think one of the things that makes me really different, I just want to say as well, is that I am about the mindset plus the action and exactly what you're saying here. Like, when we get into the belief that what we want is possible for us, then we're gonna take the action. So I would love to encourage everyone, if you really believed that you could have a seven figure business or multimillion dollar business, what action would you actually be taking? Right? Because there has to be that level of action alongside of your thoughts. And your thoughts and your words create your reality because they impact your action steps. So if you had that full belief that what you desire is meant for you and possible, what would your action steps actually look like? Would you be signing up with Kim? Would you be, I don't know, like, booking the trip, you know, actually allowing yourself to explore what it would look like to take the trip to Italy. It's just crazy to me that people have all these big desires and they're not even allowing themselves to explore what it would look like. And I think, like, yeah, I just. I want people to open up their mind to the fact that anything is possible and everything you desire is meant for you and possible. And when you start operating in that way, you will attract more opportunities and you will take more action and you will get what it is that you are craving. So in terms of working with me in my world, so my business is called I heart my life. And we have courses. We have lots of free trainings on the website, so you can head over there. I have a masterclass called how to get anything you want. I have a free dream life training series, which is a five day training series where you get audios from me every single day. And then I have all of my courses. Like I said, we also offer luxury retreats, so we'll be doing some of those coming up in the near future. So lots of ways. Sorry, so lots of ways. And then you can also find me on Instagram. Emilywilliams. [00:29:43] Speaker A: Amazing. The champion of big dreams, Emily Williams, right here in Kim Daily TV today. Thank you so much for being our amazing special guest. So inspiring. [00:29:55] Speaker B: Thank you for having me. I so appreciate it. [00:29:57] Speaker A: I so appreciate you. For anybody who's as inspired as Kim Daley, please, if you are ready to begin your journey to find your perfect franchise opportunity, you know that I want to be your franchise consultant and your daily coach, please follow the email on the screen right now or reach directly out to inquireimDaily TV. That's inquireimdaily TV. And until next time, my name is Kim Daley and I want to be your daily coach. You can find more content just like this on my YouTube channel at Kimdaily TV. And if you're inspired to take the next step to explore franchises matched to you, please email me right now at enquireevna Kimdaily TV. That's inquire at Kimdaily TV.

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