Positive Intelligence: The Key to Thriving in Business & Franchising

November 27, 2024 00:31:26
Positive Intelligence: The Key to Thriving in Business & Franchising
Create Wealth Through Franchising
Positive Intelligence: The Key to Thriving in Business & Franchising

Nov 27 2024 | 00:31:26


Hosted By

Kim Daly

Show Notes

In this episode of Create Wealth Through Franchising, host Kim Daly welcomes back Charlie Janes to discuss positive intelligence and mental fitness as essential elements for business success. Leveraging his expertise in coaching and performance psychology, Charlie introduces a transformative approach that helps individuals shift from reactive to responsive mindsets, reducing negative emotional triggers in business. Kim and Charlie explore how mental fitness directly influences successful franchise ownership and personal development’s role in business growth. Charlie shares insights from his own experience with the Positive Intelligence system, which enhances psychological and neurological functions, and discusses common saboteurs—like hyper-vigilance and judgment—that hinder success. 

Also in this episode: 


Unlock your potential with Charlie Janes of Focal Point Coaching! Take a free 4-minute Saboteur Quiz to discover what's holding you back, and enjoy a complimentary 15-minute coaching session to jumpstart your personal growth. Start here: Saboteur Quiz. Learn more about Charlie Janes at charliejanes.focalpointcoaching.com.


Interested in exploring franchise investment opportunities? My franchise consulting services are totally free to you! Contact me today: https://thedalycoach.com/connect-with-kim/ 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Welcome to Create wealth through Franchising. I'm your host, Kim Daly. Whether you're a CEO, a military vet, a real estate investor, or simply in career transition and ready to take ownership of your future, with each episode, you're going to learn valuable insights and hear inspiring stories from within the franchise industry. On that note, my guest stories are their own. And as a franchise consultant, I do not make personal brand endorsements or earnings claims, but I do educate, motivate, and inspire dreams. Now onto the show. Welcome back to Create wealth through Franchising and Kim Daly tv. I am your host, Kim Daly, and in my studio today, a daily double, Charlie Jans. Welcome back to the studio of Kim Daly tv. [00:00:58] Speaker B: Glad to be here, Kim. Thanks so much for the invitation. I rarely get asked back. [00:01:03] Speaker A: You were such an amazing guest the first time. And on that note, if you don't remember, Charlie Jans, we had an amazing conversation earlier in the year about building for an exit strategy value. And he offered a free little quiz. And we're going to put the link to that show in the show notes because I want you all to go there. In fact, that episode was so valuable to Kim Daly that even just yesterday, and this was probably, we recorded that episode probably six months ago. I was talking to a person who's now a franchisee because of Kim Daly, who's asking questions about, I'm four years in. What am I going to do at the end of my 10 years? And I said, go watch the video with Charlie and contact Charlie. You need to start planning for that right now. So if you're a franchisee and you're listening to this and you want to be inspired about building for exit strategy and optimum value, Charlie's the guy. But today we're going to talk about something different because this guy is adaptable and he's multifaceted. And so this time, we want to talk about mental fitness. So as business owners, as humans, we know that, like, being strong and healthy right in our bodies helps us to live longer, feel better, be happier, be more productive in our life. So when we talk about mental fitness as a business owner, what does that mean? Charlie, on that note, what does mental fitness mean? Let's start the very basic question. [00:02:33] Speaker B: Well, at the most basic level, the question I ask for any of you is, are you driving your mind or is your mind driving you with all the negative emotions and baggage that we all carry from childhood, Being a business owner or a parent or just living in this century can be stressful. So along the way, we develop Some habits that are really counterproductive for our optimum performance. And we'll talk about that today. [00:03:03] Speaker A: I love it. So do you use the word paradigm? [00:03:08] Speaker B: I do. In twos. Get it? Paradigm. [00:03:12] Speaker A: He's a funny guy. Okay, so let's go deeper. Take me in. So, because just yesterday, in working with a candidate who was about four weeks into her process, we started tossing around the idea of buying a plane ticket to go out to the corporate office. And I watched her face freeze. And then I got the email a couple of hours later that said, I'm stopping the process. I don't think I'm ready now. I replied to her, I said, oh, you hit your terror barrier. Which I learned that word from Bob Proctor, right? Freaking love it. Right? So she emailed me back. She's like, terror barrier. I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. You bumped into your invisible fence, right? This is. You stepped out of your comfort zone. You're, like, going to take action and maybe change your life. And so what happened? Your paradigm of comfort sucked you back. It's designed to protect you. And so now it's up to you. I'm not judging whether you become aware and you're able to push through it because you really want the result or you just stay there. But I said to her, you'll be back because once you've decided to grow, you can't stay in the same place. That's the bad news, right? It's good news and bad news. You will not be comfortable once you've asked for more. You'll try to feel that vibration and be like, oh, but this used to be so good. But the longer you sit there, the more miserable you're going to become. So whether it's a week, a month, or a year, call me back. So tell us more. Like, jump off from that and dive in with, like, with that setup. [00:04:40] Speaker B: Well, I love the idea of the paradigm. So today I'm going to talk to you a little bit about for a particular coaching system called Positive intelligence. And it's basically a system that's built on the premise that 80% of us operate nowhere near our potential as human beings or as business people. So, Kim, you and I interact with business people, and there's a lot of stress associated with that. So you're describing the paradigm with someone ceases to act. That's how I got involved with this. Part of the business is, you know, my traditional career was scaling businesses as an operator for software companies out in Silicon Valley. And then about four years ago, I got into coaching and what I realized was that paradigm shift that I was dealing with talented business athletes who've always been successful, who are somehow getting stuck and failing to grow or experiencing a life that they're no longer enjoying marriage is in trouble, not spending enough time with kids because of the challenges with business. And when I realized they were getting stuck, I went, I looked for a solution. So I found this company, Positive Intelligence, created by a guy named Shirzad Shermeen. I want to recommend this book on positive intelligence. And basically he was the one that observed through studies that so many of us just aren't performing well. And it's because we have these things called saboteurs. These are habits or strengths that happen early in our life that get misused and they, they freeze us in our action. But you see it all the time as a franchise coach. [00:06:15] Speaker A: Oh, I see it all the time too. Right. Non judgmentally, but like I'm helping people invest in most cases, Charlie, the majority of their life savings, they're stepping out of their comfort zone. They're doing something that nobody around them is doing. Thinking about quitting, quitting a W2, leaving a pension behind, taking their 401k out, which nobody tells you to do that, and starting a business which has a potential to fail. Oh, gosh, I see saboteurs all over the place. Yeah, keep going. I'm leaning in. [00:06:46] Speaker B: Well, yeah, so I'll just share my experience. So my wife and I left paying jobs, you know, based the grind of working for other people a lot like your clients and franchising. We want to become emancipated from other people and do our own business. But when you get into it, it's hard being your boss. You're overwhelmed with having to make decisions every day, unrelenting information. So it's stressful and a lot of us start folding. And I'll admit myself, when I started early in my career, I had very high emotional intelligence. And over time, those tendencies, these saboteurs, they start redefining how you respond to things and the way you interact with people and it degrades your performance. So that's really how I became so interested and passionate. It was just seeing my own performance degrade, which is ironically how I became a coach. So based on Shrazad Shermeen, the founder of this company, did something called factor analysis of well known research from over a hundred years. Performance psychology, cognitive psychology, you know, the gambit, all of it's well understood. But what he basically did is he did something called factor analysis. So think of that as this, there's red, green and blue and they make all the colors in the world your emotions, all these hundreds of emotions or things we feel can be boiled down into 10 negative characteristics called saboteurs. The judge is pervasive with all of us. We judge ourselves as business people, we judge others within business and we judge situations as scary, off putting and that hijacks the way we interact and the way we're perceived. The other nine saboteurs are called accomplice saboteurs. So mine are as I'm a hyper achiever, I'm never happy with the results that I drive, I never celebrate, I'm hyper vigilant. So I'm always trying to control the outcome of situations. I'm always looking for what can go wrong. And then I'm restless. Even when I'm on vacation in Portugal with my family at Christmas time, one email sends me into a funk for a whole day. [00:09:01] Speaker A: Seriously. It's why I will not go to my email like after 8pm at night. [00:09:05] Speaker B: That's a good practice. So the other types of avoiders, you can be a avoider, you can be a controller, an anxiety based driver for trying to control every situation. And let's face it, realistically, we as human beings can't control all of those things out there. But what we can control is how our mind responds and rather responding with pervasive anger or fear or the things we call saboteurs. The positive intelligence methodology gives you a very simple formula for interrupting it and then for using what we call your sage powers, which are a different part of your brain chemically. And those are things like having empathy for others or for the situation, having creativity or curiosity, having the wisdom of realizing a lot of these things that annoy us aren't going to matter at all 30 years from now and then being activated, not being afraid to make a decision and move forward. So that's in a nutshell of how all this works. [00:10:11] Speaker A: Let me put it like as I heard it in simple terms. So you can react, which mostly becomes a negative response, or you can stop and respond which is where your creative, like more loving, more like positive energy is going to come from. And so the reaction is kind of driven more by fear or your ego and the responding is driven more from your creative, playful, heart centered self. That's where all good solutions and like where abundance really comes from. [00:10:41] Speaker B: That's exactly right. And really the program or the idea, these principles, all of you can practice without even reading the book. So there's three muscles in the Brain and your brain. You know, sometimes we talk left to right, generalization, you know, the fear and the anxiety. The cortisol that gets pumped through our brains comes from a lot of the left regions, but not entirely. And then the positive emotions come from the right. So there's three muscles that all of us can work on. And one is just identifying and literally by identifying a negative emotion and labeling it as a saboteur, saying, oh, that's my judge. That literally has a psychological impact on your brain so you recognize the saboteur. The second muscle is developing the sage muscles, teaching your brain to respond with the more positive emotion. And then the third one is the self command. It's really the decision not to live with your hand on the hot burner for more than the second that it's useful and then to move on to something that serves you, not your negative scary monkey brain. [00:11:48] Speaker A: That's so good. Like, I'm such a personal development junkie and I've read so many books on the subject of, you know, personal development and using psychology and studied so many. I've been to the retreats, I've taken the courses, I've read the books. And I haven't read this book on positive intelligence. But everything you're saying makes so much sense. So I want to simplify it for the person out there who maybe hasn't studied this. Like, you and I have studied it, Charlie, in terms of, like, all right, I'm a business owner and I have a real problem. So, Charlie, I can't react from any place but fear because I need money. So now what? How are you going to coach me? [00:12:29] Speaker B: Well, let's play this out. And this has happened to all of us, me and you, we're our own business owners. There's times where we've been shorted cash. It hasn't always been roses. As a matter of fact, that's why we're here, is because we persevered through negative situations. So. And I just was on with a woman this morning, a Russian immigrant who's got children who were taken away from her, kidnapped for over a year in Moscow. And she went back and she got them. Now she's got this world class jewelry business that she sells to the stars. But every day she has to get herself up out of the anxiety person to the person who's the attractor of people. So when you're horrified about your cash flow, what good does that do for you to live just to keep rehearsing. I'm so scared. And instead, most of us have Learned about the power of the superconscious mind, where all creativity of mankind and individuals comes from. So by just interrupting that impulse to say, oh, I'm out of money, to say, okay, I'm short on money, but where's the gift? Where can I learn from this situation to not be short of money tomorrow? And then we run from the sky is falling Henny Penny kind of mentality to acting rationally in a way that actually improves the cash flow. And then you create a plan and you act on it. [00:13:55] Speaker A: I love it. So there's awareness, but awareness of the problem by the law of attraction only drives you to attract more of the problem. So we're switching your mindset to be aware of the possibilities of how to bring in money. And that's going to spark that creativity in you. That's going to touch a different part of your brain that's going to help you now find solutions rather than staying focused on the problem. Because the problem and the solution are on two ends of a stick and you can't get to the solution when you're focused on the problem. Like you can't feel hot and cold at the same time. You're either hot or you're cold. [00:14:36] Speaker B: Right? [00:14:37] Speaker A: So that's what you're saying, right? [00:14:38] Speaker B: Well, that's right. So using the cash flow statement, there's that fear emanates you. You get out of bed or you couldn't sleep at night, you get out of bed and what do you do? You arrest the fear by identifying it. Oh yeah, that's my judge and that's my hypervigilant. It's saying that this is really, really bad. The basic premises is that most of us that have found any hardship or had anything go wrong for us in life, ultimately there has been a gift in it. So the cash flow could be caused by having lost a customer. A customer didn't make a payment. In this process, you basically say, what's the gift in the situation? And it's usually knowledge. Well, I was actually selling to the wrong client and they're also not going to be able to pay me next month. So do I want to keep focusing my money trying to squeeze blood from a turnip? So there's knowledge, there's the power, there's the idea that you can use one of your sage skills. In this case, it might be creativity. Well, since that customer's not going to pay, what can I do to accelerate payment from another client? Or how do I get a better client tomorrow? And then the third thing is then your Inspiration. The inspiration and never let this happen again. I'm going to have a better forecasting system that's going to give me an early warning system and I'm going to control my work. Instead of spending time on a low yield activity like a client that doesn't pay, I'm going to spend a little more time giving my best clients better service so they pay me more and give me longer contracts. That's an example of how you turn a negative into a gift. [00:16:11] Speaker A: Hey, Daily Coach fans, if you're ready to begin your own journey to find the perfect franchise, please email me right now at inquiremdaily tv. My services are totally free for you. That's inquireimdaily tv. Now back to the show. So at the end of it, really it's will. You're using your will. Instead of focusing on fear, you're willing your mind. You're retraining your mind to focus on the solution. Yep. [00:16:48] Speaker B: And Kim, the skeptic could say this is a little too touchy feely. And I'm that guy. I mean, people hire me for profit, for revenue growth, for team growth, and for exits. I got into this because I found strong, talented people were just hijacked. So these habits that we're talking about literally reprogram the brain. And studies were conducted in this system for across thousands of executives. There's over 50,000 coaches worldwide promoting this. So this is a very big thing. And it turns out they did MRI studies on people's brains, and the parts of the brain that generate the cortisol clinically over six weeks shrink, whereas the positive forcing chemicals in your brains literally grow. So this is a neurological. This is an actual physical thing that changes in your brain as you build the habit of responding with curiosity rather than fear. [00:17:48] Speaker A: Yeah. And imagine what that's doing inside your body in terms of like upregulating, like good cells for growth versus downregulating those cells for dis ease. Right, so we could go on that tangent, too. So do you recommend meditation as a way to calm that judge, calm those saboteurs? What are some of the practices that we are if we're going to become mentally fit? Like, if I want to be strong, I got to go to the gym. So what are some of the. Wait a minute. Daily habits that Charlie Jans is encouraging in order for you to develop this positive intelligence? [00:18:25] Speaker B: Yeah. So first off, in general, for those of you that are out there, not in the program, just the idea of neutralizing your thoughts. I'm not going to Use the word meditation, because what you need is you need something you can do while you're triggered when someone's right in front of you. So in the program, we teach people exercises that relate to visual stimulus, audio, tactile, where you concentrate while no one's looking. You can literally rub your fingers together and feel the ridges. And that's a form of meditation. So the program that we put people through, you interrupt yourself from that fear or that anxiety driven motion most of us live in, and you just interrupt it three times during the day. So basically what we tell our clients is that you invest somewhere between eight minutes and 15 minutes a day in this. So the program comes with an app. The app, you know, you license for $900 a year and it comes with little exercises that you take each morning. You get a lesson and then you interrupt with a meditation like thing during the day. And then the app actually has a mental fitness gym where Shirzad, the creator of the system, will take you through tactile exercises, audio exercises, but you can do them while you're driving your car. So they don't stop business from happening, but they interrupt that incessant voice in your head and turns it into something positive. [00:19:55] Speaker A: Yeah, it's so amazing that if we would just stop doing the things that we do that get in the way of our own success, how easy success actually is. We have to have apps, we have to have books, we have to have courses, retreats. Right. We have to reprogram our brain. But I think I'm laughing when I say that, because as humans, I think this is the point. Right? The growth comes because we have put up all of these saboteurs. And so it's the awareness of the saboteur, why it's there, how it doesn't serve us in getting us to the next level of our life and then being willing to overcome ourselves right through repetition, of creating a new habit so that I can get to that higher level of life that I'm trying to get to. [00:20:42] Speaker B: You're exactly right. So if everybody listening to this takes one thing away, it's this positive change in how your brain works is 20% knowledge, but it's 80% habit. So that's the thing is all of us have read books, self help books and things. We've come away with these ideas, the seven habits of highly effective people. And there's a litany of them. The challenge is they don't drive a habit, which is why this positive intelligence approach takes this thing where you have a phone app that Reminds you throughout the day to change the habit, get out of that grind where you're going to go from meeting to meeting to meeting without taking a rest. So you go into one meeting to the next in a bad mood rather than just interrupting it, identifying what you're feeling and going in with the decision to be curious. [00:21:31] Speaker A: It's really, really good. And the effect of all of this. [00:21:35] Speaker B: On your business is, well, so mathematically, first off, when you start this, you take an assessment, and it gives you a numerical measure of how strong these tendencies are. And our statistics across hundreds of thousands of people is that generally the results increase tremendously. So in my case, my top scores were a 10 out of 10 hyper achiever, a 9.5 hyper vigilant, and a 9.5 restless. In six weeks, those scores got cut in half. You could game the system. I'm a coach, so I know what the questions are asking the second time, but I feel it every single day. Like, an embarrassing thing about me is when I drive around here in South Florida and that New Yorker comes up behind me and lays on the horn. The old Charlie was always so uptight that I would be thinking it was a personal affront on me, and I'd be visualizing getting out of the car and I'd be in a funk for hours. Now, repeatedly, these types of things happen, and I find myself just kind of being calm, putting it in that box that, oh, yeah, but he's probably having a bad day, and I just move on. So this has significantly impacted my performance. My family notices the difference. My coaching effectiveness has really improved. [00:22:53] Speaker A: Even certain people, right? You have a habit of how you interact with certain people. Certain people trigger you to be happier when you're around them, and certain people can trigger you to be negative when you're around them, right? And so I'm always working on that because I'm such a happy, like, abundant person. And then I find myself with certain people, and I'm like, man, I did not show up the person I am today. I showed up as the person that that person has trained me to be, and I don't like it. And I have to own that, right? Like, you have certain vibration, and I want to overcome that, because if I can overcome that more and more and more, then when I'm with that person, they won't even look at me the same way because they'll realize she's not the same because she's not reacting or responding to me the way she used to. And then you have a different way of interacting Together. I mean, that's the whole point of the whole thing. Right? And that you're interacting in your business, you're showing up as the best version of yourself more and more and more so that you can drive better results. Because at the end of all of this, I always say there are two things that make your business successful. It's order in your mind and action. So these reactions create chaos in a downward spiral. Right. And then we get frozen and we're not taking action. And these are the two opposite things are not serving our success. So if we can instead respond positively, right. Then we are creating order or maintaining the order in our mind. And then we can continue to take the positive action that leads us to the desired outcome that we're looking for. [00:24:30] Speaker B: You couldn't have said it better. What I really loved is when you've basically said how some people bring out the worst in you. Honestly, if there's some people that trigger you, then all of us listening should realize those of us that are worried about money or aggravated with something, the bad that would happen when we go interact with the next person, their emotions will mirror ours. So if we're giving that saboteur vibe, you'll draw it from them. It's a self perpetuating thing that I don't think anybody listening here would disagree. I think we've all experienced that. So that idea is if you can pull yourself out and flip that switch by using that self control muscle again, it's an easy thing. Like you can teach yourself. The habit can be formed well within six weeks. You'll get fewer of those negative responses from other people. [00:25:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I love that. Yeah. It's by the law of attraction. Right. And that's also like when we're doing sales coaching with people, Charlie, I'm always like, have you ever noticed that the results of your business follow your attitude? This is why attitude is so important. Like if you're showing up because you need money and you want to get money and you're on a sales call, are you going to get that sale? No. Even though you're smiling and you're saying all the things you normally say, your energy is speaking way louder than your words and the people smell that. They feel that. Right. But when you're showing up to serve people and you're showing up to help them solve a problem and you're able to show them how your product or service meets their need and you're detached from the outcome, you get a lot more sales. I can see the exact same scenarios. But come at it with two different, like, intentions or energy patterns and get two different outcomes. So it's all under your control. That's why, like, ever walk into a room and no one's saying anything, but you can totally feel the energy of the room. How do you feel if no one's saying anything? Because energy is a real thing, right? It's real, it's living. And so we have to be mindful of that. And that's the law of attraction. And just like attracts like. So when I show up as my reactive self, which there is a tendency sometimes in my life, then everything in my life goes wrong. But it's me. That's why I always look in the mirror and go, kim, you're the reason you had a bad day because that happened in the morning. And then you carried that reaction with you the entire day. And the world just said, oh, she wants to react today. And the world was right. And I reacted. [00:27:01] Speaker B: You got it. [00:27:03] Speaker A: I love, love, love this conversation because everybody thinks when you buy a franchise, I'm going to look at the item 7 and this is the amount of money I'm going to put in and this is the earnings claim. And this is what I can make as if it's this black and white conversation. I'm like, this is the whole point of my social media, it's the whole point of my whole platform, Charlie, is to be like, no, that is fundamentally flawed all over the place. And it's conversations like this, oh, and then there's the ownership. Well, I bought a franchise. You know, I thought they were going to do this for me. And again, I say it not in a judging tone, in a laughing. I want you to have fun and be playful because we all were there. I was there for eight years in my franchise until I woke up in my ninth year and wasn't. So I'm not judging anyone. You are where you are. But we want to share this information so you can understand that there are laws that govern success. There are people like Charlie Janz and Kim Daly who want to help you be successful. And it's more than looking at an fdd, looking at an earnings claim and buying a franchise. Success is up to you, even in a franchise. Right, Charlie? [00:28:15] Speaker B: What a way to wind this thing down. That is basically it. [00:28:19] Speaker A: Well, you made an offer to me over email and I want to give you the opportunity to extend that offer to these listeners who might be interested in taking your little quiz. [00:28:28] Speaker B: Yeah. So what we're going to do is we're going to provide you a Link to an assessment. It's confidential. No one will see it, but it gives you an easy link to share it with your loved ones or with other people. Both the assessment, which you may pass on as much as you want, and the results that you'll get, which will only be confidential to you until you share them, so even I won't see them. So it'll take you about four minutes. And then anybody that wants to talk about the results will get a free 15 minute consultation with me. And then the way the program works is for those of you that want to buy in, there's two things you can do. If you're curious about it. You can just get the book and there's lots of things you can do without an application or anything that will make a material difference in itself. I think it'll be life changing. But if you want the app, you can buy the app from any positive intelligence coach globally. We all sell it for the same amount. It's 995 for a year. That program is six weeks that you go through a learning phase where you get these little videos that teach you about these things we've discussed about today. And then you move into a growth phase for the whole year where you continue to reinforce what you learn in the first six weeks. But then you get little mini lessons on things like parenting, creative conflict, leadership, stress management, time optimization. You can do it all self guided or you can engage with any positive intelligence coach globally. [00:29:54] Speaker A: That's awesome. All of that will be in the description below this video. So please check it out. It's really here to serve you. These are just ideas. They're all tools right in a tool belt. But if you don't take them out of the tool belt and use them, they're not going to serve you. Reading a book one time, it's good, but it's not the way. Repetition is how we form new habits. And that's the benefit of this app, right? That is going to help you build that new pattern of thought so you can actually make a lasting change. Carly, you're amazing. I love having you in my studio. Thank you so much for blessing me and all of these listeners today. [00:30:33] Speaker B: Kim, it was a blast. Thank you so much. [00:30:36] Speaker A: Well, for those who are inspired by this video who may want to go on and become a franchisee, you know that I want to be your franchise consultant and your daily coach. So please follow the description below along with Charlie's description. If I can do something to help you learn about franchising. And until next time, my name is Kim Daly, and I want to be your daily coach. You can find find more content just like this on my YouTube channel at KimDaily TV. And if you're inspired to take the next step to explore franchises matched to you, please email me right now at inquiremdaily tv. That's inquireimdaily tv.

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